Orsoyla Sandor
Orsolya has just moved to Herent from Brabant Wallon. She has been practicing yoga for 20+ years and she is an RYT-500 certified yoga teacher and registered with Yoga Alliance since 2020. She is also certified in Kids Yoga with GogoKids (USA) and YogaKiddy Academy (BE).
She gives yoga classes 100% suitable for children, combined with Mindfulness and Brain Gym in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve (BE) and in two schools as an after school activity in Brabant Wallon.
She loves working with children, but after receiving her Trapeze (2020) and Gravity (2021) yoga certificate, she decided to teach adults in these two areas as well. She teaches in several languages French, English, Hungarian and hopefully soon in Dutch as well. 😉
At Ayuryoga in Herent she’ll give Lunch yoga (focus on shoulders and back) and Gentle yoga (suitable for all ages and levels).
She hopes to see you soon on the mat, beginners welcome.
Her motto: “I am not doing yoga because I am flexible, I am flexible because I am doing yoga.”
See also: https://yogaauxenfants.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yogazonebelgium
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogazonebe/
Stay safe, stay bendy.